I am going to be 100% honest right now- I do not get the hype behind this album.
Maybe its because of the fact that I was about five years old upon its release and spent my years of discovering music hearing bands that have played off and evolved their musical style. I think I have listened to the album start to finish only once (though as I type this I am playing through it again so by the time I finish this it will be twice) all other times I make it to around track 4. The songs tend to sound like a mess to me (coming from somebody who listens to some 'messy' or some might say terrible or crappy music that is saying something). Maybe it needs to click with me. I am going to give it time attempt to listen to it at least once a week for the next month in various settings- through computer speakers, through headphones, through stereo speakers (being that I get a stereo where both speakers work in the next month) just to try and figure it out.
Anyways sorry for the time without posts. I have been lazy simply put. There are mixes created and needing to be uploaded I just have to see where I left off. Also for those interested I created a mixtape that I will be creating 50 of and giving to those who want them. Currently 8 have been made (which includes my copy) so that leaves 42 to go. I will willingly make you a tape for free or for a donation (tapes and envelopes and shipping are not free themselves) and make you a copy and send it to you. Each tape contains the same music but has exclusive artwork- as in I didn't like the idea of photocopying artwork 50 times and thought different artwork for each tape was more interesting. Contact me in whatever way you wish (you may e-mail me at remixedremix@hotmail.com make sure the subject reads "enjoy the ride tape") and we can work something out I am sure.
So hopefully I will get to uploading those mixes sometime within the next few weeks. I will update about my ventures with 'Loveless' later to see if my emotions have changed about it at all.
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This is a great album. One, that if you can get into, is one that'll stick with you for years.
It's one that started a whole generation of shoe-gazers.
That said, it's an album that reminds people of a certain age of what they where ding when they where 16-25. It's more feelings, smells, tastes and being drunk, than raw talent.
If it's to much, try "Ecstasy and Wine" and then build up to this. :)
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