Side A
Los Campesinos! "You! Me! Dancing!"
Nightmare Of You "My Name Is Trouble"
The Pipettes "Pull Shapes"
Justice "D.A.N.C.E." (Extended)
Gorillaz "Dare"
Girl Talk "Bounce That"
!!! "Feel Good Hit Of The Fall"
Side B
Professor Murder "Free Stress Test"
Daft Punk "Superheroes"
K-OS "Crabbuckit"
Bloc Party "Banquet" (Phones Disco Edit)
Yeah Yeah Yeahs "Y Control"
LCD Soundsystem "All My Friends"
I'll be honest, this tape has been 70% finished for at least two months now, this just further goes to show how lazy I am. There really isn't much to say, this is a flatout mix to dance to, because sometimes we all just need to let loose a little bit. The true reason I'm posing this mix tonight? I was making one when i realized it just did not work, at all. Since I felt like I needed to complete one task I assigned myself for the day I remembered that I still had this one half finished, thank god for that I guess.
The separate track versions won't be uploaded for a day or two. Why? I don't feel like doing it truth be told. Try the single track versions for now eh?
Side A
Side B
In non-mixtape news, I was supposed to see Los Campesinos! tomorrow night but it seems that wont be happening. Shame too, I love that band, High Recommendation from me to check them out (Hey Side A on the mix! Sweet!). They have an Ep out right now, its pretty sweet, contains the most upbeat cover of Pavement on it. Full length drops sometime next year. With the mention of next year reminds that the year is ending, which means that holiday shopping has begun. I beg you to keep your sanity while doing your gift shopping and to not lash out at the workers of the retail location you are shopping at just because a product is sold out and they don't know when (or if) more will be in stock before the end of the shopping season. I really want to get my picture taken with Santa at the mall...
Finally, I'll have an end of the year list for my top 20 favorite albums (and maybe some honorable mentions), top 5 favorites eps, and possibly top 5-10 singles/7"s (haven't begun thinking about this one yet so i'm not sure) which will all be posted here sometime after the holiday and before the new year. I would make a list of Disappointments but I try to forget about those the best I can.
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I really wish you'd post seperate tracks for this mix tape... V_V
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