Tonight I got the random idea to interview my good freind Rebecca Merker, but better known as Bex. Lucky for me she's crazy just like me and thought it was a grand idea. So here is our interview, we touch on things such as music, style, and swallows. Also, she thinks that I have fans.
Ruben: Hello Bex how are you tonight?
Bex: I am doing pretty well, I am drinking some milk.
Yes actually hahah.
Good choice there Bex. Anyways I just thought i'd let you know that all these questions are off the top of my head seeing as this is a very spur of the moment idea.
Hahahah, thats fine. I should get used to it when I'm a famous rockstar. You know.
Yes I do know, although normally interviewers prepare questions. So you say you're going to be a famous rock star?
Most likely.
So then I take it that you are very passionate about music and the music you make?
Ridiculously. Haha. I just, I love it.
Well what about it do you love?
I love being able to express myself, and I love it for the same reason I love music: to put into words what I'm feeling better than I can.
Ah yes, I see. So being a musician what instruments can you play?
I can play guitar... ish... and I sing, constantly.
Well punk bands never know how to play their instruments so you can always be a punk rocker.
Hahaha well I can sing, not like the chick from Paramore though.
You need red hair and matching pants for that. Speaking of that mumbo jumbo, how important do you think that image is in music these days?
I think it's pretty much bullshit artists like Britney Spears are followed there is so little talent. Nelly Furtado, before coming out with the dance shit, was nowhere
Big named producers can do a lot for you. You have to admit though, 'Say It Right' is a jam.
Whats that? I don't even know.
It was her second single off her new album.
I mean, I'm not saying it's bad it's just, so different.
Fashion wise, do you think that having a specific image for your band is important? Like how My Chemical Romance have that whole marching band theme or the rappers are so caught up with different fashions and such.
Personally? I think it's fun. I would do it, not over the top like MCR takes it but I find nothing wrong with dressing up.
How exactly do you feel about style, how important is it to you?
Not very I mean, I like looking nice but most of the time, I don't really care, as long as I'm comfortable.
What do you think about all the fashion world and whatnot, telling the world what is in style and what isn't. Do you feel they should be the ones to decide what is "in" and what is "out"?
Absolutely not, I think it's so dumb most of the stuff is just... ugly anyways. I think everyone should just wear what they want.
Very true. Also some of it tends to get really pricey. Plus half the time you're just paying $100 bucks for a label on the jeans.
Exactly. I go for how they fit, not what brand they are.
Good lass. So list for me your top five favorite albums of all time. ready Go!
1. Waiting For My Rocket To Come-Jason Mraz.
2. Heavier Things-John Mayer.
3. Songs About Jane-Maroon 5.
WAIT! Put #1 as Take Off Your Pants And Jacket-Blink-182.
5. either E Von Dahl Killed The Locals by the Matches or The Photo Album by Death Cab.
And split number 3 between Room For Squares and Heavier Things, cause I can't decide.
Well lets discuss this, you originally put Jason Mraz at number one but shortly thereafter changed it to Blink 182. Lets talk why at first you chose Jason, and then why you decided on Blink.
Well, the Jason album is genius and I am seriously, head over heels for every song. But Blink-182... well... they got me into rock music, in general and I wouldn't be listening to any of this if it weren't for them.
But why 'Take Off Your Pants and Jacket' in general and not another one of their albums?
Because that WAS the album.
That was your first Blink 182 album?
Yeah, well I mean my brother had 'Enema of the State' and I stole it sometimes, but 'Take Off' was the first that got me REALLY into it.
Do you feel that the internet is ruining music?
nNot at all I think it's helping.
Why do you say that?
Because it's exposing everyone to a wider range of music.
But some will argue that with less people buying albums artists are unable to make revenue.
But the thing is so few artists make money off of that ANYWAY it's like I think it's better to go to a show, buy a t-shirt.
But what about all the other aspects of making the record, producer and etc?
I'm not really sure what to think of that.
Do you think its possible to somehow work out the things with downloading other than scaring everyone that the RIAA is going to sue your pants off?
I think that if it just wasn't so easy, and music wasn't as expensive, more people would buy music.
Did you know that when blank cassette tapes were first released, after people began making mixes and recording albums to them, they began selling them with labels that read "Home Taping Is Killing Music"?
Hahahaha how ironic.
Getting more into you personally here you were born and raised in New York correct?
Yep. Born in New York City, raised in Soho, Brooklyn, and the suburbs.
How much of an influence do you think living in all those places affected you?
Well, I'm described as being seen as "worldly." Growing up in and around New York City is just an insane experience, because so many cultures interact there it's truly unlike anywhere else.
So you are glad that you were raised there I take it.
Oh, totally. though I have to say, it's very liberal, and very Jewish-friendly, which made me a bit naive.
I just have a few questions left for you here
First, what is your quest?
To be the best, and happiest person I can be.
Second, what is your favorite color?
Red, yellow and purple.
Third, what is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
I have no fucking idea. I go to art school.
Hahaha. The correct answer was "an african or european swallow?"
I must advise you Bex to go out and watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail
I have, once, like 14 years ago.
Ah well, you really need to see it again. its a classic comedy
Any last words before we wrap things up?
Hi Ruben's fans.
Haha. Thank you for your time Bex.
No problem, Ruby doodles.
Cute, haha. Crazy friends are the best.
yay for monty python.
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