This tape was a pain in the ass for me, and honestly I have no idea why. Maybe it was because I had such a set mindframe on how I wanted the tape to sound It took me a while to figure out what bands and songs to use (hell, one track I spent an hour going through various bands and songs because i needed a song to go in a certain spot and be a certain length.) I'll also toss blame onto the fact that its a 45 minute tape. That just means more music for me to sort through and figure out in my head. Anyways originally this started out as two different mixes, then they molded together for another, songs were removed, some later added back. Was originally a pretty mellow mix, still is save for some sections. Started out and pure Indie stuff, but as always happens some Ska songs slipped onto the mix. Honestly though, only one on each side and they work for the mix. The only thing missing from this mix is a title, which I haven't come up with yet. Don't forget that the mix is downloadable I've included links for the mix as individual tracks and each side as one long track, like you'd hear on the cassette.

Side A
Stars "Your Ex-Lover Is Dead (Final Fantasy Remix)"
Bodies Of Water "It is Familiar"
Saturday Looks Good To Me "Until the World Stops Spinning"
Final Fantasy "This Lamb Sells Condos"
California Snow Story "My Life Is Only A Daydream"
Jolie Holland "Goodbye California"
Tom Waits "Hold On"
Panda Bear "Bros"
Big D and the Kids Table "Halfway home"
Side B
Modest Mouse "3rd Planet"
Gorillaz "Kids With Guns"
Rx Bandits "In All Rwanda's Glory"
Ted Leo and the Pharmacists "Hearts Of Oak"
Jens Lekman "I Saw Her In The Anti War Demonstration"
Danielson "Did I Step On Your Trumpet"
Chuck Ragan "The Boat"
Irene "By Your Side"
The Snake The Cross The Crown "A Gathering Of Shades"
Dntel "(This Is) The Dream Of Evan And Chan"
Lcd Soundsystem "New York I Love You"
Side A (as a single track)
Side A (as individual songs)
Side B (as a single track)
Side B (as individual songs)
Photo credits: Ruben, myself.
Damn, this is so good.
i love the thought you put into this
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